The Schizos

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid

Fundació Suñol, Barcelona

CAAC Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla

From June 3rd to September 14th, 2009 / From October 15th, 2009, to January 6th, 2010 / From January, 21st to April 4th, 2010

The Schizos looks at Madrid's complex cultural environment during the last years of Franco's regime and the first period of democracy. The retrospective coordinates the activities and work of a group of painters known as The Schizos,” whose exploits as a group span from 1970 to 1985, a period in which they decided to embrace figurative painting as they operated on the margins of the dominant aesthetic and political conventions at the end of Franco’s dictatorship. Across the exhibition, different influences, confluences, and the path taken by each artist during these fifteen years of artistic production can be appreciated

Curators: Ivan L. Munuera, M. Escribano, JPWert

Artists: Richard Hamilton, David Hockney, Frank Stella, Marcel Duchamp, Giorgio de Chirico, R.B. Kitaj, Carlos Alcolea, Chema Cobo, Carlos Franco, Luis Gordillo, Sigfrido Martín Begué, Herminio Molero, Rafael Pérez-Mínguez, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Manolo Quejido, among others

More info: Reina Sofia Museum


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