Venice Architecture Biennale 2021: a year late but somehow right on time


May 26th, 2021

By Amah-Rose Abrams

How are we to live alongside one another if we do not consider what makes each of us uniquely diverse? In As Diverse Bodies, Sarkis proposes design for new bodies in the shape of a male maternity suit for trans men by artist Ani Liu. This sits alongside the installation Your Restroom is a Battleground, by Matilde Cassani, Ignacio G. Galán and Iván L. Munuera, which tackles issues of the fundamental rights around private, public and shared toilet facilities around the world from trans rights to sanitation. If we don’t accept our diverse needs on this fundamental level when it comes to the spaces we use and inhabit, how are we to co-exist harmoniously?


The Pavilions not to miss at the Venice Biennale


The Restroom Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennale Displays how Restrooms are Political Battlegrounds